Okay, I know I'm a day late for the "Monday" title thing, but hey, I was busy yesterday. I think I'm allowed a little slack while finishing up this crazy senior year of mine! anywaaaaays...

I don't have kids (obviously, otherwise their precious faces would be plastered everywhere on this blog), but as a girl I can't help fantasizing about how I'd dress them. and teach them. and love them. and... yeah. A million different girly/mom things :). I don't know how often the topic comes up with my friends (trust me, it's often!), but every time I feel like I probably end up saying "they're just so cuuuute!" in one form or another! And who's to blame me? Can you resist these tiny faces!?

Can you say "new favorite tumblr"!? Props to cute kids in cute clothes for putting all these adorable kiddo pics in one place! 

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